Saturday, 22 October 2016


Question 1 to 7 are based on the following passage.
Table 1: recommended number of glasses of water per day according to age group

Age ( years )
Number of glasses (litre)
Children ( boys )
3.9 (0.98)
5.4 (1.35)
7.1 (1.78)
Children ( girls )
3.6 (0.9)
5.2 (1.3)
6.4 (1.6)
Adolescent ( boys )
8.7 (2.18)
10.8 (2.7)
11.4 (2.85)
Adolescent ( girls )
8 (2)
8.7 (2.18)
8 (2)
9.8 (24.5)
9.8 (24.5)
8 (2)
8 (2)
8.7 (2.18)
7.1 (1.78)

*based on one glass = 250ml
Note: calculations are based on average energy requirement according to the Recommended Nutrition Intake for Malaysian in the respective age groups.
Water is necessary for all living things. It therefore is of no surprise that there are various types of water found in the market to cater to the different needs of consumers.
  Reverse osmosis water is pure water that is devoid of mineral or other materials. Reverse osmosis water is usually treated tap water that is passed through membranes under pressure. The membranes filter out all the salts leaving pure water that is without odour or flavour. A survey of two local brands of reverse osmosis water shows that local brand A costs RM0.50 per 500 ml while local brands B costs RM0.65 for the same volume.
  Distilled drinking water is water that has been heated until it becomes water vapour, which is then cooled or condensed back into liquid water. This process usually removes all contaminants as well as any dissolved minerals in it, resulting in pure water. Distilled drinking water usually comes from water source located underground. The price of distilled water per 500ml is RM0.54 and RM1.21 for local brand C and D respectively.
   Mineral water is usually obtained from running water source located underground. This type of water picks up minerals from rocks is flows over. Mineral water bottles usually display nutrition information that shows the level of certain minerals like potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium that the water contains. Local brand C mineral water costs RM0.54 per 500ml while local brand D costs RM1.16. There are also international brands of mineral water found in the Malaysian market. International brand A costs RM0.67 per 500ml while international brand B costs RM3.45 for same quantity.

( Adapted from : Helen Chuah, Celestina Paul-Evanson & Dr Fatimah Dinna. (2014). Malaysian University English The Complete Text & Guide MUeT. Kuala Lumpur : Global Mediastreet Sdn Bhd. )

1        Table 1 gives the number of glasses of water that each age group must drink daily.
A   True
B   False
C   Not false

2        The Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2010 indicates for male and female, across all ages, the former should drink more litres of water than the latter.
A   True
B    False
C   Not false

3        As male and female grow older, they require more water.
A   True
B    False
C    Not false

4        Table 2 indicates that Malaysian produces varieties of water obtained from different source.
A   True
B    False
C    Not false

5        The fact that the international Brand B of mineral water is the most expensive, as evident from it price of RM 3.45 as compared to other brands, indicates that it provides the best quality.
A   True
B    False
C    Not false

6        The contents in mineral water suggest that mineral water is the healthiest drinking water as compared to reverse osmosis water and distilled water.
A   True
B    False
C    Not false

7        The factor determining the prices of the different types of water are brand, source water and process by which they are obtained.
A   True
B   False
C   Not false

 Question 8 to 15 are based on the following passage.

Sugar: The Silent Killer
1        Sugar can take many forms – such as while, raw or brown sugar, honey or corn syrup. It has many properties, both aesthetic and preservative, that make it highly desirable in the processed food industry. It adds taste, colour, bulk and viscosity to food products. It also prevents would formation and microbiological activity.
2        According to the 1995 survey Nutrition survey, Australians were obtaining about 45 percent of their energy intake from carbohydrates of which 20 percent was derived from natural and added sugars and 25 percent from starch. What is shocking is that, more specifically, about 30 percent of sugar intake in Australia comes from soft drinks. In the 1995 National Nutrition survey 16 to 24-year-olds were consuming on average 400 ml of soft drinks per day.
3        Even though sugar per se has not been linked with heart disease, diabetes or adult obesity, there is enough evidence to warrant some caution about consuming too much sugar. High sugar / sucrose intakes have been associated with the following conditions: dental cavities, increased tendency for blood clots, increased levels of a blood fat and skin wrinkling.
4        Sugar has been called a source of  ‘empty calories’   because it offers taste but has no nutrients. It has long been advised that if you want to lose weight, you should cut out all sweet and sugary foods from your daily diet. However, there is limited evidence to suggest that eating foods high in sugar is associated with excessive food intake or obesity.
5        Overweight and obesity are cause by regularly consuming more kilojoules (calories) than the body use. Sugar may be a problem for people who are largely inactive and need to reduce their energy intake. Therefore, to assist in weight management it is advisable to avoid eating large amounts of sugar or sugary foods. A study published in the Lancer 2001 showed that consumption of sugar- sweetened drinks is related to childhood obesity. Another study showed that there was more than 1 kg body weight gain in subjects after 3 week of consuming about 4 glasses of soft drink daily compared with volunteers drinking the same amount of diet soft drink.
6        Sugar is found in obviously sweet foods like soft drinks, fruit juice, cordials, jams and chocolates. However, sugar can also be found in foods which are not obviously sweet like: savoury biscuits and salad dressings. Food labels will provide the total amount of sugar present in the Nutrition Information panel. The total includes ‘added sugar’ as well as naturally occurring sugar from fresh, dried, canned, and frozen fruit and milk components.

( Adapted from : Koh Soo Ling & Wayne Weng Hang. (2012). MUET Model Tests. Petaling Jaya : Penerbit Ilmu Bakti Sdn. Bhd. )

8   The first paragraph describes the _______ properties of sugar.
A   physical.
B   aesthetic.
C   physical and aesthetic.

9   The word viscosity (line 3) means
A   beauty.
B   thickness.
C   attractiveness.

10    The writer quotes the Australian 1995 Nutrition Survey to highlight Australians’
A   intake of added sugar and natural sugar.
B   over-consumption of soft drinks.
C   ideal amount of sugar intake.

11    Which of these statement is correct?
A   sugar is linked to heart diseases, diabetes or adult obesity.
B   consuming too much sugar may lead to ill health.
C   high sugar / sucrose intakes are not associated with diseases.

12    according to the writer, there is not much proof that
A   sugar is a source of ‘empty calories’
B   sugar foods are linked to excessive food intake
C   cutting out all sweet and sugary foods will ensure good health

13 from the studies mentioned in paragraph 5, we can conclude that an increase in the consumption of sugar leads to _________
A   an increase in weight gain
B   a decrease in weight gain
C   no weight gain

14    sugar is found in __________
A   sweet food
B   savoury food
C   both sweet and savoury food

15    the total amount of sugar present in the Nutrition Information Panel comprises ______
A   added sugar
B   naturally occurring sugar
C   both added and occurring sugar

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